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Learn how to use your Flipper Zero as a HID controller for your computer or phone. Control presentations, emulate a keyboard, control media players, and more.
New study on mice decision-making reveals that choice is not a singular moment but a reflection of the brain’s preexisting state.
The research, using Buridan’s Assay, suggests that the mice’s brain constantly broadcasts its goal, even before options are available, with patterns of neuron activity predicting choice.
Hunger and thirst don’t directly drive behavior; instead, they modulate the brain’s goal-setting, with an element of randomness causing switches between needs, ensuring both are met over tim
echo 'clearing dmesg...'; sudo dmesg -c && clear; DEVICE=$(rfkill list all | grep -o 'hci*.'); sudo hciconfig ${DEVICE} down; sudo rmmod btusb; sudo service bluetooth stop;
sudo modprobe btusb; sudo hciconfig ${DEVICE} up; echo 'n~~rfkill:'; rfkill unblock bluetooth; sudo service bluetooth start; rfkill list all; echo "n~~~DMESG:"; sudo dmesg | grep -i bluetooth; echo 'n~~~bluetooth status:'; sudo service bluetooth status;
echo 'n~~~if failed try manually:'; exit 0
bluetoothctl power on; bluetoothctl devices; read DEVICE_TO_CONNECT; bluetoothctl connect ${DEVICE_TO_CONNECT} echo "~~~nFINISH UP:n~~~~run bluetoothctl;n~~~~~power on && devices && connect";
The normal xterm mouse functionality for such clicks is still available by holding down the SHIFT key when you press the mouse button
;; Enable mouse support (unless window-system (require 'mouse) (xterm-mouse-mode t) (global-set-key mouse-4 » (lambda () (interactive) (scroll-down 1))) (global-set-key mouse-5 » (lambda () (interactive) (scroll-up 1))) (defun track-mouse (e)) (setq mouse-sel-mode t))
TweakUI to set X-Mouse
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