Tags: python* + tf-idf*

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  1. A simple Python3 tool to detect similarities between files within a repository.
    Document similarity code adapted from Jonathan Mugan's tutorial:
    2020-03-11 Tags: , , , , by klotz
  2. tokenizing and stemming each synopsis
    transforming the corpus into vector space using tf-idf
    calculating cosine distance between each document as a measure of similarity
    clustering the documents using the k-means algorithm
    using multidimensional scaling to reduce dimensionality within the corpus
    plotting the clustering output using matplotlib and mpld3
    conducting a hierarchical clustering on the corpus using Ward clustering
    plotting a Ward dendrogram
    topic modeling using Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA)
    2018-08-16 Tags: , , , , , , , by klotz
  3. In your example if you use PCA to initialize your t-SNE you get widely spaced centroids; if you use random initialization you'll get tiny centroids and an uninteresting picture.

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