Tags: tutorials* + github*

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  1. This project implements a real-time face recognition system using OpenCV and the face_recognition library. The system detects faces from a video stream, recognizes previously seen faces, and displays metadata about each recognized face. It supports both Raspberry Pi cameras and USB webcams.
  2. This tutorial introduces promptrefiner, a tool created by Amirarsalan Rajabi that uses the GPT-4 model to create perfect system prompts for local LLMs.
  3. - GitHub repository for a tutorial series called "0 to LitGPT."
    - Provides an overview of how to get started with LitGPT, which is an open-source implementation of GPT-3.
    - Offers various resources such as codes, issues, pull requests, actions, security features, insights, and more related to the LitGPT project.
    2024-03-28 Tags: , , , , by klotz

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