klotz: human-computer interaction*

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  1. Elizabeth Churchill, a professor at Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence, emphasizes human-centered design in AI to ensure technology serves people's needs positively. Her career and research focus on understanding the interaction between people and technology, aiming to design tools and experiences that enhance human potential.
  2. An interdisciplinary research project exploring the history and ideas behind the influential ELIZA chatbot, created in the 1960s. The project aims to contextualize ELIZA, analyze its code, and examine its cultural impact on human-computer interaction.
  3. This issue of ACM Interactions explores the crucial role of User Experience (UX) in ensuring responsible AI (RAI) design and use. Articles discuss the importance of UX in shaping meaningful and trustworthy AI systems, the potential of 'reuser experience' for sustainable design practices, and emerging trends in AI interaction design.

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