klotz: llm* + hacks*

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  1. Learn how to create a low-cost, AI-powered personal assistant using Raspberry Pi and open-source software. The assistant can answer questions, play music, and control smart home devices.
  2. In the development of artificial intelligence, the application of Large Language Model (LLM) Single Board Computers (SBC) and AI sensors is becoming increasingly widespread. This article will detail the performance tests and tutorials of high-performance SBCs such as the NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin 64GB Developer Kit, Raspberry Pi, LattePanda Alpha / Delta / Sigma Single Board Computers and explore how to deploy and run various LLMs on these platforms. In addition, we will introduce some easy-to-use AI cameras and voice recognition sensors, as well as their applications in innovative projects.
    2024-03-07 Tags: , , , , , , by klotz
  3. Use large language models embedded in single-file executables from the command line to perform tasks like renaming images based on their visual content
  4. Kresmo is an Arduino sketch that uses an OpenAI-compatible API to generate a random and brief pithy saying. The sketch uses the U8g2 library for displaying text on an OLED screen, and the WiFi library for connecting to the internet. The ESP32-C3-0.42 module combines all this hardware into one tiny board.

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