Tags: acm*

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  1. This article presents the history and evolution of the APL programming language, from its early development to its current state.
  2. This issue of ACM Interactions explores the crucial role of User Experience (UX) in ensuring responsible AI (RAI) design and use. Articles discuss the importance of UX in shaping meaningful and trustworthy AI systems, the potential of 'reuser experience' for sustainable design practices, and emerging trends in AI interaction design.
  3. An analysis of Large Language Models' (LLMs) vulnerability to prompt injection attacks and potential risks when used in adversarial situations, like on the Internet. The author notes that, similar to the old phone system, LLMs are vulnerable to prompt injection attacks and other security risks due to the intertwining of data and control paths.
    1. Abelson. H.. and disessa, A.A. Turtle Geomelry: The Computer as a
    Medium for Exploring Mathematics. MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass.,
    2. Bolt, R.A. Spatial data-management. Rep., Dept. of Architecture.
    MIT. Cambridge. Mass.. 1979.
    3. diSessa. A.A. A principled design for an integrated computational
    environment. Hum.-Compui. Interaction I, 1 (1985). l-47.
    4. disessa. A.A. Notes on the future of programming: Breaking the
    utility barrier. In User-Centered Systems Design, D. Norman and
    S. Draper. Eds. Lawrence Erlbaum. Hillsdale, N.J., 1986.
    5. Goldberg. A.. and Robson. D. Smalltalk-80: The Language and Its Implementafion. Addison-Wesley. Reading. Mass., 1983.
    6. Papert, S. Mindstorms:

    Acknowledgments. We gratefully acknowledge the
    efforts of all those members of the Boxer Groups at
    MIT and Berkeley who have helped to make Boxer
    (almost) a reality. Special thanks to Michael
    Eisenberg, Gregor Kiczales, Leigh Klotz, Ed Lay,
    and Jeremy Roschelle.
    2022-03-21 Tags: , , , , , by klotz
  5. 2021-06-23 Tags: , by klotz
  6. 2018-11-10 Tags: , , by klotz
  7. 2018-10-22 Tags: , , , , , by klotz
  8. 2016-12-11 Tags: , , , , , by klotz

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