Tags: data*

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  1. Breser stands for Business Rules & Expression Syntax for Easy Retrieval. It is a powerful and flexible query language designed for efficient log processing and structured data filtering.
  2. An exploration of AG Grid, a JavaScript data grid library used to build interactive and advanced data tables or grids in web applications, highlighting its features, performance, and how it compares to other solutions.
  3. ArchiveBox is a powerful, open-source self-hosted internet archiving solution that lets organizations and individuals archive both public and private web content, retaining control over their data. It supports a variety of input and output formats and can be installed via Docker, pip, or other package managers.
  4. A visual representation of papers on ArXiv using UMAP and nomic-embed.
    2024-10-12 Tags: , , , , , by klotz
  5. A map of math articles from ArXiv using t-SNE and nomic-embed.
    2024-10-12 Tags: , , , , , by klotz
  6. This article details a data-driven exploration of owl species, using Wikipedia data to create a network visualization of owl relationships.
  7. This article introduces Path-Swarm and Super-Swarm, new techniques for creating swarm charts using circle arrangements for data visualization. The author, Nick Gerend, discusses two primary swarm techniques and some extensions for rapid visual exploration of data. Written for Towards Data Science.
  8. eplot is an Emacs package for generating time series charts, plots and bar charts interactively.
  9. This article explains the differences between observability, telemetry, and monitoring, and how they work together to help teams understand and improve their software systems. It also discusses the benefits of using OpenTelemetry, a standard for creating and collecting telemetry for software systems, and Honeycomb's observability platform.
  10. A simple and fast data pipeline foundation with sophisticated functionality.
    2024-05-08 Tags: , , , by klotz

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