Tags: insect*

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    • Study on insect wing hinge control mechanics was conducted by researchers at California Institute of Technology.
    • The study utilized a genetically encoded calcium indicator to image steering muscles activity in flies while tracking 3D wing motion.
    • A Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) was trained to predict wing motion from steering muscle activity and wingbeat frequency.
    • An encoder-decoder was employed to predict the role of individual sclerites on wing motion.
    • Virtual experiments were carried out to assess the impact of modulating wing motion via steering muscle activity on aerodynamic forces.
    • The study concludes that the insect wing hinge is a complex and evolutionarily significant skeletal structure.
  1. , Extavour wants to understand how single-celled entities blossomed into multicellular organisms during evolution, and how the intricate bodies of such organisms can develop from cells that all have the same genetic blueprint.

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