Tags: llm* + github* + openai*

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  1. This page provides information about LLooM, a tool that uses raw LLM logits to weave threads in a probabilistic way. It includes instructions on how to use LLooM with various environments, such as vLLM, llama.cpp, and OpenAI. The README also explains the parameters and configurations for LLooM.
  2. 2024-05-22 Tags: , , , , by klotz
  3. Kresmo is an Arduino sketch that uses an OpenAI-compatible API to generate a random and brief pithy saying. The sketch uses the U8g2 library for displaying text on an OLED screen, and the WiFi library for connecting to the internet. The ESP32-C3-0.42 module combines all this hardware into one tiny board.
  4. 2023-10-31 Tags: , , , , , , , by klotz
  5. This Github Action allows you to easily integrate OpenAI API into your workflow. With just a few steps, you can use OpenAI's language model to generate responses for your project.
    2023-10-31 Tags: , , , , , , by klotz
  6. 2023-07-06 Tags: , , , , , by klotz

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