klotz: lisp* + retrocomputing*

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  1. This paper describes the background and history of Multics Emacs, including the previous developments and the climate in which it was created. It also details the design and implementation experience, and important algorithms such as the redisplay algorithm.
  2. Dune is a shell designed for powerful scripting, combining elements of bash and Lisp, offering normal shell operations and functional programming abstractions for sysadmin tasks.
    2024-09-28 Tags: , , , , , , , by klotz
  3. This article discusses the MIT Artificial Intelligence (AI) Lab's 'Tourist Policy' and how it impacted students' access to its resources. As a high school student in Maryland, the author shares their experience of using the lab's PDP-10s over the ARPANET and how it inspired them to learn and contribute to the MIT community.
  4. 2023-04-08 Tags: , , , , , , , by klotz
  5. 2021-09-04 Tags: , , , , , by klotz

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