Boxy is a Boxer-inspired box editor that provides various functionalities for managing and manipulating boxes. It supports key bindings, modules, and allows running in a browser. The editor includes features such as mouse and keyboard interactions, saving and restoring boxes, markdown visualization, and LLM inference.
Dedre Gentner is a professor of psychology and cognitive science at Northwestern University. Her research interests include learning and thinking, analogy, similarity and metaphor, concepts and conceptual structure, language and cognition, and language acquisition.
Key concept: Setting mental models can help users understand how to interact with products that adapt over time. This chapter covers:
Identifying existing mental models
Onboarding in stages
Planning for co-learning
Accounting for user expectations of human-like interaction
Key concept: To build effective mental models of AI-powered products, consider what you want people to know about your product before their first use, how to explain its features, and when it will need feedback from them to improve.
Syllabus Outline
Outline of the course - HCIAI - Zürich Fall 2023
Course Introduction: Course mechanics, intro to the topic
Designing AI with the Mind in Mind
Fairness, Accountability, Transparency, and Ethics in AI
Building AI with Humans in the Loop
Natural Language Interfaces
Data Visualization for understanding fairness and bias
Rethinking the AI-UX Boundary for Designing Human-AI Experiences
AI, Art, Music & Sound Synthesis
Image Generative AI
Self-Driving Vehicles
Humans and Robots
Sentience? Consciousness? Coming to grips with these questions
Building AI systems for sensemaking
Final Presentations part 1 - FINAL PROJECT due today. Video
Final Presentations part 2 - FINAL PROJECT (second half) Video
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