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This article provides a hands-on guide to classifying human activity using sensor data and machine learning. It covers preparing data, creating a feature extraction pipeline using TSFresh, training a machine learning classifier with scikit-learn, and validating the model using the Data Studio.
A new smartphone app called VibMilk uses a phone's vibration motor to detect if milk is spoiled without opening the carton.
The AI Camera is a portable, low-power device that combines a Raspberry Pi Zero, a 2MP camera module, and a range of sensors, designed for capturing and processing images locally with AI capabilities.
This page provides information on how to connect and utilize the SenseCAP Watcher as a Grove sensor using UART communication.
Tokay Lite – A battery-powered no-code AI camera based on ESP32-S3 WiSoC (Crowdfunding) Maxlab’s Tokay Lite is an OHSWA-certified AI camera based on ESP32-S3 WiFI and Bluetooth SoC that can be used for computer vision (e.g. facial recognition & detection) and robotics applications without the need to know programming languages since a web interface is used for configuration.
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