A Trinket for The Pawn Shop, interacting with an OLED screen and an LED strip, displaying messages and scanning for Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) devices.
MicroPython is a powerful and user-friendly interpreter for embedded systems, providing interactivity and ease of use for rapid development. The article discusses its advantages, such as the Read, Evaluate, Print, Loop (REPL) interface, and its extensive library support.
A Flasher utility for DIY miners to flash NerdMiner firmware onto various boards, such as LILYGO S3 Dongle, LILYGO T-Display-AMOLED, ESP32-WROOM, LILYGO T-QT, TDisplay v1.14, ESP32-2432S028R, and M5-StampS3. The flashing process should take less than one minute.
Nerd Miners offers Bitcoin lottery miners with plug-and-play functionality for DIY enthusiasts.
CodeCell is a tiny, Arduino-compatible module with an ESP32-C3, sensors (light, proximity, optional motion), and USB-C charging. Perfect for robotics, wearables, and IoT projects.
Learn how to use timer interrupts (timers and event handling) with the ESP32 and ESP8266 programmed with MicroPython. Timer interrupts allow you to schedule and execute specific tasks at regular intervals or after a designated time delay.
The SQFMI Watchy is a fully open-source, hackable ePaper watch based on the ESP32 with a crisp, glare-free 1.54" 200x200 ePaper display which can be programmed using the Arduino IDE and lots of your favourite Arduino/ESP libraries!
SQFMI Watchy, a hackable ePaper watch based on the ESP32.
Watchy is a customizable watch face platform with various watch faces and a feature to create your own watch face