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Google has improved Android 16’s Linux Terminal to run graphical Linux apps such as Doom, thanks to new features like hardware acceleration support and a display server. These upgrades are not yet available in the latest Android 16 beta, but they may arrive in future updates. The goal is to transform Android into a PC operating system capable of running desktop-class programs.
Save 90% of time searching and browsing logs with Logdy, a tool that provides a powerful and secure UI for log management, supporting any format and offering a low-code TypeScript log parser.
A new plugin for sqlite-utils CLI tool called sqlite-utils-ask allows users to ask human-language questions directly of SQLite databases and CSV/JSON files, using an LLM to generate SQL queries and execute them.
gptme is a personal AI assistant in your terminal, enabling it to use the terminal, run code, edit files, browse the web, use vision, and more. It assists in all kinds of knowledge-work, especially programming.
An email machine, the Cidco MailStation, is repurposed as a terminal using the Z80 processor and msTERM application. The WiFiStation dongle enables network communication.
Plandex is an AI coding agent designed to work directly in the terminal, capable of planning and completing large tasks that span many files and steps. It helps developers build new apps quickly, add features to existing codebases, write tests and scripts, understand code, and fix bugs.
Zellij is a terminal workspace similar to tmux or screen, offering base functionality with additional features for personalization. Users can split the terminal into panes and tabs, and define a map of panes in a configuration file for easy setup. Zellij includes a layout engine and supports plugins written in any compiled language, such as the Strider file explorer. It uses Webassembly and WASI for plugin execution.
A bash script called MarCLIdown allows you to preview markdown files in the terminal.
An optional component to enable AI features in iTerm2, providing network request functionality, ensuring secure data transmission.
Termux is an Android terminal application and Linux environment. The app's repository; includes links to various installation packages.
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