klotz: llm*

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  1. This article introduces a practical agent-engineering framework for the development of AI agents, focusing on the key ideas and precepts within the large language model (LLM) context.
  2. An article discussing the concept of monosemanticity in LLMs (Language Learning Models) and how Anthropic is working on making them more controllable and safer through prompt and activation engineering.
  3. This is a GitHub repository for a Discord bot named discord-llm-chatbot. This bot allows you to chat with Large Language Models (LLMs) directly in your Discord server. It supports various LLMs, including those from OpenAI API, Mistral API, Anthropic API, and local models like ollama, oobabooga, Jan, LM Studio, etc. The bot offers a reply-based chat system, customizable system prompt, and seamless threading of conversations. It also supports image and text file attachments, and streamed responses.
  4. The author tests the new GPT-4o AI from OpenAI on a standard set of coding tests and finds that it delivers good results, but with one surprising issue.
    2024-05-28 Tags: , , , , , , by klotz
  5. In this article, we will explore various aspects of BERT, including the landscape at the time of its creation, a detailed breakdown of the model architecture, and writing a task-agnostic fine-tuning pipeline, which we demonstrated using sentiment analysis. Despite being one of the earliest LLMs, BERT has remained relevant even today, and continues to find applications in both research and industry.
  6. In this tutorial, we will build a RAG system with a self-querying retriever in the LangChain framework. This will enable us to filter the retrieved movies using metadata, thus providing more meaningful movie recommendations.
  7. This article discusses Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) models, a new approach that addresses the limitations of traditional models in knowledge-intensive Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks. RAG models combine parametric memory from pre-trained seq2seq models with non-parametric memory from a dense vector index of Wikipedia, enabling dynamic knowledge access and integration.
  8. This article explains how to use the Sentence Transformers library to finetune and train embedding models for a variety of applications, such as retrieval augmented generation, semantic search, and semantic textual similarity. It covers the training components, dataset format, loss function, training arguments, evaluators, and trainer.
  9. "The paper introduces a technique called LoReFT (Low-rank Linear Subspace ReFT). Similar to LoRA (Low Rank Adaptation), it uses low-rank approximations to intervene on hidden representations. It shows that linear subspaces contain rich semantics that can be manipulated to steer model behaviors."
  10. This article guides you through the process of building a simple agent in LangChain using Tools and Toolkits. It explains the basics of Agents, their components, and how to build a Mathematics Agent that can perform simple mathematical operations.
    2024-05-26 Tags: , , , , by klotz

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