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  1. A mixture of reflections, literature reviews and an experiment on Automated Prompt Engineering for Large Language Models
  2. This GitHub repository contains the Hackers-Nightlight project, which showcases the attack possibilities and vulnerabilities of smart light bulbs. Specifically, it discusses the ESP32-C3 microcontroller's capabilities in certain smart light models, such as the Vont Smartlight Pro, for WiFi network penetration and exploitation. The README provides a detailed guide on how to flash custom firmware onto the ESP32-C3 to create a backdoor for remote connectivity and packet sniffing.
  3. Tokyo Buddy is a service that provides personalized recommendations and reservations for local restaurants, hidden attractions, and unique experiences in Tokyo. With local expertise and tailored suggestions, they help tourists from the US, Canada, and other English-speaking countries explore the city like a local.
    2024-06-14 Tags: , , , by klotz
  4. This article discusses how to overcome limitations of retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) models by creating an AI assistant using advanced SQL vector queries. The author uses tools such as MyScaleDB, OpenAI, LangChain, Hugging Face and the HackerNews API to develop an application that enhances the accuracy and efficiency of data retrieval process.
  5. Simon Willison shares a scraping technique called Git scraping, where data is scraped and tracked over time by committing the changes to a Git repository. He demonstrates the technique using an example of California fires data from CAL FIRE website.
    2024-06-14 Tags: , , , , by klotz
  6. Retrochat is chat application that supports Llama.cpp, Kobold.cpp, and Ollama. It highlights new features, commands for configuration, chat management, and models, and provides a download link for the release.
    2024-06-14 Tags: , , , , , , , by klotz
  7. Inspectus is a versatile visualization tool for large language models, offering multiple views to provide diverse insights into language model behaviors. It runs in Jupyter notebooks via a Python API and supports visualization of attention maps, token heatmaps, and dimension heatmaps. The library can be installed using pip and provides API documentation and tutorials for Huggingface models and custom attention maps.
  8. A Python-based, open-source visualization tool called Inspectus helps researchers and developers analyze attention patterns in large language models within Jupyter notebooks. It provides an intuitive interface with multiple views, including attention matrices, heatmaps, and dimension heatmaps, to facilitate detailed analysis.
  9. An optional component to enable AI features in iTerm2, providing network request functionality, ensuring secure data transmission.
  10. This article discusses the potential of unstructured data in software development and how it can be leveraged using Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG). The article highlights various types of unstructured data on GitHub, the value of unstructured data, and how RAG can be used to extract insights from this data. The article also explains how RAG works, its applications, and its benefits for developers and organizations.
    2024-06-13 Tags: , , , , by klotz

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