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  1. This blog post explains why JWTs (JSON Web Tokens) are not suitable for authorization despite their popularity in authentication scenarios. It discusses the proper use of JWTs for verification, the risks of misusing them for authorization, and alternative solutions.
  2. An article discussing the challenges faced with flaky tests in Uber's CI pipelines, and the development and implementation of Testopedia, a scalable and configurable system to manage and categorize tests, reduce test complexity, and improve visibility and accountability.
  3. Google has updated its note-taking AI, NotebookLM, to include the ability to read information from websites and Google Slides, and users can now ask questions about charts, images, and diagrams. The new Notebook Guide also creates study guides or briefing documents, and inline citations can point to sources. NotebookLM is powered by Gemini 1.5 Pro, the latest large language model that currently powers the paid version of the Gemini chatbot.
  4. An exploration of the benefits of switching from the popular Python library Pandas to the newer Polars for data manipulation tasks, highlighting improvements in performance, concurrency, and ease of use.
  5. A light-weight codebase that enables memory-efficient and performant finetuning of Mistral's models. It is based on LoRA, a training paradigm where most weights are frozen and only 1-2% additional weights in the form of low-rank matrix perturbations are trained.
  6. A large team of tech nostalgia enthusiasts have made a PiDP-10, a replica of the PDP-10 mainframe computer first launched by the Digital Equipment Corporation in 1966.
  7. Everyone who deals with electronics knows that grounding is important. However, Kristen K6WX » has news: the idea of ground is kind of a myth. She explained at a talk at the recent ARRL National Convention, and if you didn’t make it, you can watch it in the video below.
  8. The Grove - TF Mini LiDAR is a Time of Flight (ToF) LiDAR sensor based on the ToF principle. It is designed for precise, high sensitivity, and high-speed distance detection. This article provides detailed information about the product, specifications, platforms it supports, and getting started guides for Arduino and Wio Terminal.
  9. The paper proposes the "law of increasing functional information," a new law of nature that could help explain the evolution of complex systems across multiple scales in the universe, from atoms and molecules to stars and brains.

    These systems are characterized by three attributes: they form from numerous components, processes generate numerous configurations, and configurations are preferentially selected based on function.

    The law suggests that functional information of a system will increase over time when subjected to selection for function(s). The authors argue this law could help predict the behavior of these systems and provide a unified framework for understanding their evolution.

    They suggest it could be a missing piece in our understanding of the universe.

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