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  1. The study identifies two common forms of variation in human brain networks: border shifts and ectopic intrusions.
    Border shifts involve changes in the borders between functional areas, while ectopic intrusions are shifts in brain organization at remote locations.
    Both forms of variants are heritable but differ in their location, network associations, activations during tasks, and prediction of behavioral phenotypes.
    2024-05-01 Tags: , , , by klotz
  2. NodeMaven is a proxy service that prioritizes IP quality, ensuring high-quality residential proxies with clean records, super sticky sessions, and unmatched customer support. NodeMaven's advanced proxy filtering system screens IPs in real-time, and the provider offers access to 5+ million premium residential IPs, city-based targeting, unlimited concurrent sessions, and industry-expert level support.
    2024-04-30 Tags: , by klotz
  3. Latest data breaches news and updates from the dark web. SiegedSec allegedly hacks Westboro Baptist Church, 7.79 million users' information allegedly exposed in KISTI SMART K2C data breach, Italian Red Cross network breached, and more.
    2024-04-30 Tags: , , by klotz
  4. This article explains why Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) are useful for function identification in reverse engineering, and provides a Python implementation using PyTorch to identify the start of functions in binaries.
  5. Infrastructure observability companies such as New Relic, Datadog, Dynatrace, Elastic and Splunk are actively enhancing their platforms through the integration of LLMs.
  6. Mistral.rs is a fast LLM inference platform supporting inference on a variety of devices, quantization, and easy-to-use application with an Open-AI API compatible HTTP server and Python bindings. It supports the latest Llama and Phi models, as well as X-LoRA and LoRA support. The project aims to provide the fastest LLM inference platform possible.
    2024-04-29 Tags: , , , , by klotz
  7. sslscan version 2 has now been released with a major overhaul of the backend scanning code. The update includes TLSv1.3 support, the ability to enumerate server key exchange groups and server signature algorithms, and more...
  8. AutoCrawler is a two-stage framework that leverages the hierarchical structure of HTML for progressive understanding and aims to assist crawlers in handling diverse and changing web environments more efficiently. This work introduces a crawler generation task for vertical information web pages and proposes the paradigm of combining LLMs with crawlers, which supports the adaptability of traditional methods and enhances the performance of generative agents in open-world scenarios. Generative agents, empowered by large language models, suffer from poor performance and reusability in open-world scenarios.
    2024-04-28 Tags: , , , , by klotz
  9. This post explores the use and implications of temperature scaling in the language model output generation, specifically discussing its relationship to the beam search heuristic.
  10. Jeff Geerling tests and compares the performance of the Turing RK1 and the Raspberry Pi 5 in this blog article. The RK1 consistently beat the Pi 5 in standard CPU benchmarks and performed well in real-world cluster benchmark tests. The author also discusses the compactness of the build and integrating it into a new mini rack.
    2024-04-27 Tags: , , by klotz

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