Tags: features*

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  1. "...a feature that activates when Claude reads a scam email (this presumably supports the model’s ability to recognize such emails and warn you not to respond to them). Normally, if one asks Claude to generate a scam email, it will refuse to do so. But when we ask the same question with the feature artificially activated sufficiently strongly, this overcomes Claude's harmlessness training and it responds by drafting a scam email."
  2. Fourier features in learning systems like neural networks due to the downstream invariance of the learner that becomes insensitive to certain transformations, e.g., planar translation or rotation.
    2024-05-17 Tags: , , , , by klotz
  3. OpenAI's new GPT-4o model is now available for free, but ChatGPT Plus subscribers still get access to more prompts and newer features. This article compares what's available to both free and paid users.
    2024-05-15 Tags: , , , , by klotz
  4. This article discusses cyclical encoding as an alternative to one-hot encoding for time series features in machine learning. Cyclical encoding provides the same information to the model with significantly fewer features.

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